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Simple Arithmetic 
vs. the 6 Million Myth 

by Liberty Bell Publications, Reedy, W. Virginia 

Having read emotional letters from Jewish 
writers in the press, I feel compelled to 
comment myself. 

I am acquainted with military history and have 
read substantially on the subject. One Jewish 
writer stated that he was not even alive at the 
time of the Second World War. As another 
writer stated, there are always two sides to the 
coin. Well, I was not alive at that time either, 
so it follows that the only source of 
information available to the post-war 
generations is history as it was written down 
for us. 

History has not and never will be recorded 
objectively, as every historian writes 
according to his own subjective view and in 
his own book will try to prove his own thesis. 
The mass-murder of six million Jews, 
however, is a myth. This is admitted and 
proved primarily by British and American 
authors, and while withholding my own 
views, here is some information to consider: 

According to evidence led in a paper entitled 
"The Third Reich", three to four million Jews 
were murdered in Auschwitz alone. This is 
mathematically impossible. Auschwitz was in 
operation for four years. Let's assume only 
three million people were killed here — in one 
year, that would be 750,000 or 62,500 a 
month - or 2,083 a day! 

According to the German Christian 
Democratic delegate, Eric Blumenfeld of 
Hamburg, who was incarcerated at Auschwitz, 
killings only took place at night, for reasons of 
secrecy - a period of 12 hours. Thus, 2,082 

people should have been killed every 12 hours 
out of 24 for 1,460 days (four years). 

Assuming the corpses were buried, and seeing 
that sand is four tenths heavier than the human 
body (proportionately), at an average of 50 
kilograms per body, 70 kilograms of sand 
would be displaced per corpse [a kilogram is 
equal to 2.2 pounds for practical purposes]. At 
2,083 bodies a day, with a corpse mass of 
104.2 metric tons, this would be 145.8 metric 
tons of soil to be removed daily! 

In four years, assuming there were "only" 3 
million bodies buried, this would leave 
212,868 metric tons of soil piled up 
somewhere. Where is it? There is also the 
argument that the bodies were burned (also a 
mathematical impossibility). The calculations 
are based on figures and evidence from the 
ultra-modern and efficient crematorium at 
Dortmund in Germany. To burn one corpse 
completely requires 3 HA kilograms of coal. 
The 2,083 people allegedly killed in 
Auschwitz daily would have required more 
than 65 metric tons of coal, which was 
extremely valuable to the war effort - each 
day. For Germany, this was impossible. 

Burning the bodies was impossible for another 
reason. In the most modern crematoriums 
today, one body requires about IVi hours to be 
completely cremated. Even if Auschwitz had 
had 100 burning chambers, the 3 million 
corpses would have taken 15 years to cremate, 
burning only in the 12-hour period each day. 
Each body produces on average 2 kilograms 
of ash. Three million corpses would create 
6,000 metric tons of ash. This ash, all 6,000 
metric tons of it would make quite a heap. 
Where were all these ash-heaps after the war? 

In closing, I would like to add that all 
recorded history is on paper and on paper you 
can write anything, even that 6 million Jews 
were killed. Paper is patient! °